Ing. Carlo Gandolfo S.r.l. |
Via della Cinta Esterna, 6 - 57122 Livorno |
Tel. +39 (0)586/891167 - 892368 - Fax +39 (0)586/892368 |
Chi siamo |
Profile |
La nostra clientela consiste nelle |
maggiori Compagnie Assicurative europee |
e mondiali, P & I clubs, armatori e noleggiatori |
di flotte navali per trasporto di autovetture |
e rotabili in genere, contenitori e merci sfuse. |
Our customers consist of main |
European and Worldwide Insurance |
Companies, P & I Clubs, ships Owners and |
Charterers of fleets for sea carriage of vehicles and |
other Ro-Ro cargoes, containers and bulk cargo |